
Vampire FaceLift

Vampire FaceLift

The Vampire Facelift does not use invasive surgery with its anesthesia and pain to rejuvenate your face. Instead, it is a cosmetic procedure using the natural growth factors in your blood to restore and lift your skin. The Vampire Facelift does not use microneedling but injects both plasma and a hyaluronic acid filler to help your face look less wrinkled, more elastic, and firmer..

It is a very noninvasive procedure requiring only topical anesthesia. There is minimal downtime, and the only side effects may be burning, itching, or swelling for a very short time. Have your procedure done by a trained medical aesthetician using sterile techniques to ensure your safety.

The ingredients of the vampire facelift include platelet-rich fibrin derived from the patient’s blood. Natural growth factors start with a blood draw like a routine blood test. The growth factors are then separated by spinning the patient’s blood through a centrifuge. Platelet-rich plasma looks like a clear yellow serum after being separated from the other components of the blood. Because the natural growth factors are from your blood, there is minimal possibility of allergic reactions.

In one to two hours, your vampire facelift can be completed, and if you are comfortable with a redder than usual skin, you can return to work the next day. You will notice immediate smoothing, which is caused by the filler. Discuss with your skincare professional the best dermal filler to use with the natural growth factors. In about 2 to 3 weeks, you should see improved skin texture, which comes from the natural growth factors, and the vampire facelift may last for a year.

Vampire facelifts are great options for those who want to firm crepey skin or contour different face areas. It will improve your skin’s texture and reduce the look of acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.


You can see immediate results from the filler and in two to three weeks, you will see the results from the natural growth factors. Results will last for up to one year, but it is advisable to get maintenance treatments.

A vampire facelift uses microneedling techniques which can be painful. However, your skincare specialist will rub an anesthetic to your face to help you feel more comfortable.

You can receive a vampire facial every few weeks for the first few treatments. Maintenance treatments can be scheduled up to four times a year.

Over the next four to six weeks, you continue to produce collagen. During this time, you will notice that flaws on your skin are reduced and corrected. The treatment is gradual.

Cost is something you need to discuss with your skincare specialist.

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